
Level 1 Coaching Course Information

The Level One Program is a compulsory national Program. It is designed for any person turning 18 years in the year the course is undertaken or those above 18 years seeking to become a coach/coach assistant under the auspices of the Australian Calisthenic Federation. The Level One Program is a 1 year integrated Program and must be completed to enable a person to coach calisthenics unsupervised. The course is offered by State Associations at different times throughout the year to enable cadets to be trained in all aspects of coaching calisthenics. It is a pre-requisite to complete the Cadet Course prior to commencing the Level 1 course.

The National Level 1 Coaching course is continually reviewed every 4 years by the Australian Calisthenic Federation of Calisthenic Coaches (ACFCC) and is recognised by the Australian Sports Commission. The eight modules include:

Level 1 requires continual education and a 24 update point program, over the time period of 4 years and is compulsory to retain the qualification and to remain a registered coach. Please refer to the current Level 1 update for clarification on points.

The needs of country coaches are met with the Distance Education package which includes all work sheets and handouts, DVDs for all modules (excluding the strength and conditioning) and provision for video assessment of a practical coaching session. Regional training sessions are conducted where possible.